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Dr. Ashwini Kumar BanerjeeMBBS, FRCP (London), MRCP (UK), MRCP (Gastroenterology), FEBGH

CCT in Gastroenterology & General Internal medicine MBA International Healthcare Management

Dr. Ashwini Banerjee is a UK trained Consultant Gastroenterologist and European Board Certified in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. He has extensive experience in general gastroenterology with special interest in pancreatobiliary medicine and advanced interventional endoscopy. He performs diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy including gastroscopy, colonoscopy, push enteroscopy, ERCP, EUS, feeding tube placement, stricture dilatations and enteral stent placements. He is a Member of the Royal College of Physicians, UK and Fellow of the European Board of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

Personal statement

I am an experienced gastroenterologist from NHS (National Health Service) UK where I have dual accreditation (CCT) in Gastroenterology and General Internal Medicine from GMC (General Medical Council) and accreditation (FEBGH) in Gastroenterology & Hepatology from EUMS (European Union of Medical Specialties). I am also fully JAG accredited in gastroscopy and colonoscopy. I have 15 years experience in UK.

I have worked as a Consultant Gastroenterologist with subspecialist interest in pancreatobiliary medicine in East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust which is a regional HPB unit. ELHT has 6 sites and 1079 beds and caters to a catchment area with population of 530000 and extended catchment population of 1.6 million for tertiary HPB services. I am also the Education and Training Lead for junior and higher specialty trainees in gastroenterology and responsible for organizing their training.

My fellowship was in Advanced Pancreatobiliary medicine and interventional endoscopy from leading tertiary centre in UK.

I have been involved in academic projects and my most recent achievement was receiving best oral presentation award at Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland conference in Manchester on our study on EUS FNA diagnostic yield and accuracy. I have presented abstracts in all major gastroenterology conferences including BSG, UEGW and DDW.

I have received an award previously on study on use of faecal calprotectin and our study was referenced in joint position statement by the Neurogastroenterology & Motility and IBD sections of the BSG in the role of faecal calprotectin in primary care.

I have been actively involved in teaching medical students and junior doctors and have received various commendation letters from undergraduate departments.

I am competent in endoscopic procedures including and not limited to diagnostic and therapeutic OGD (Variceal banding and haemostasis, PEG/PEJ/NJ/NG, dilatation, oesophageal/duodenal/colonic stents, achalasia dilatation, Botox injection, foreign body removal using overtube). I have done high quality endoscopy audits leading to change in endoscopy practice in the hospitals I have worked.

I have performed diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopies and push enteroscopy including therapeutics such as Level 2 polypectomy/EMR, dilatation and stents, haemorrhoidal banding. I have done Pancreatobiliary endoscopy (ERCP and EUS) in last 3 years including EUS guided Coeliac plexus neurolysis and Hot AXIOS Cystgastrostomy and am fully competent in these procedures.


2019: MBA (International Healthcare Management)

2016: Fellowship of European Board of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (EUMS)

2016: CCT in Gastroenterology & General Internal Medicine

2013: Specialty certificate examination in Gastroenterology

2011: MRCP (UK)

2010: Core medical training (Mersey Deanery)

2007: Foundation programme (East Midlands Deanery)

2004: MBBS (University of Calcutta)

Personal Details

Name:Dr. Ashwini Kumar Banerjee




Nationality:British Citizen

Languages:English, Hindi, Bengali

Special Interests

  • Acute and Chronic pancreatitis including IgG4 related disease, hereditary
  • pancreatitis, alcoholic pancreatitis and pseudocyst management using HOT AXIOS CYSTGASTROSTOMY
  • Biliary pain and sphincter of oddi dysfunction
  • Biliary stone disease and management
  • ERCP/EUS and Pancreatobiliary procedures


  • British society of Gastroenterologists
  • American college of Gastroenterology
  • American society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
  • Royal College of Physicians (London)
  • European Group of Endoscopic Ultrasound


  • BSG Travel bursary award for presentation in UEGW - UEGW, Barcelona (2017)
  • Best oral poster presentation prize – PSGBI, Manchester (2016)
  • Selected for Cook Basic ERCP Course – Rome (2015)
  • MSD IBD Academy Award (2014)
  • Falk Symposium Award (2013)
  • Shire Innovation Travel Bursary Award (2012)


  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (2020)
  • Stoke ERCP/EUS symposium (2016)(2018)
  • HOT AXIOS guided pancreatic pseudocyst drainage (2016)
  • Nottingham Endoscopy Masterclass (October 2015)
  • EUS-FNA hands on course (November 2015 – Quality in Endoscopy ERCP & EUS Symposium)
  • Data Analysis for Researchers (2012)
  • Teaching and Supporting Learning (2012)

Procedural Competencies

  • OGD & therapeutics (JAG certified)
  • (Variceal banding and GI Haemorrhage haemostasis, glue injection and sclerotherapy, PEG/PEJ/NJ/NG, dilatation, oesophageal/duodenal/colonic stents, achalasia dilatation, Botox injection, foreign body removal using overtube)
  • Colonoscopy (JAG certified – Full certification – Level 2)
  • (Polypectomy and Endoscopic mucosal resection, Haemorrhoidal banding) ERCP
  • Linear and Radial EUS - UGI and HPB including FNA, EUS interventions using HOT AXIOS stent for cystgastrostomy.

Research Interests

  • Pancreatobiliary endoscopy novel techniques

Leadership & Management Experience

  • MBA International Healthcare Management
  • Organized weekly GUT club in Royal Blackburn Hospital
  • Attended NWMLS leadership conference (July 2014)
  • MSD Leadership and Management weekend (Sep 2014)
  • Junior doctors Representative for Trust Ethical committee (Doncaster Royal Infirmary)

Teaching Experience

  • Education and Training Lead – Royal Blackburn Hospital
  • Teaching and supporting learning course - Y&H Deanery
  • Examiner for PACES mock exam at Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield
  • Undergraduate teaching certificate from SRFT and Blackpool Victoria hospital

Audit Experience

  • EUS Audit 2018-2019 – Royal Blackburn Hospital
  • ERCP Audit 2015 – Blackpool Victoria Hospital
  • GI-Bleed Re-audit 2014 – Salford Royal Foundation Trust
  • ERCP Re-audit 2012/2013 – Royal Blackburn hospital – (Audited ERCP practice in 670 procedures in a tertiary HPB unit)
  • Biopsies in chronic diarrhoea 2012/2013 – Royal Blackburn hospital – (Audited biopsy practice in 340 procedures)
  • Management of Ascites and peritoneal paracentesis – Rotherham General Hospital 2012


  • Glasgow Blatchford Score and risk stratifications in acute upper gastrointestinal bleed: can we extend this to 2 for urgent outpatient management?
    (PMID: 29626014)
    Kelly Chatten, Huw Purssell, Ashwini Kumar Banerjee, Stephanie Soteriadou, Yeng Ang Department of Gastroenterology, Salford Royal Foundation Trust, Manchester [Published in Clin Med April 1, 2018 vol. 18 no. 2 118-122]
  • Post-ERCP pain Ashwini Banerjee
    [Published online in UEG Education – “Decide on the spot”]
  • Patients with Endoscopically Visible Polypoid Adenomatous Lesions Within the Extent of Ulcerative Colitis Have an Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer Despite Endoscopic Resection
    (PMID: 27405991)
    Venkataraman Subramanian, Sukhdev Chatu, Fabian Echterdiek, Ashwini Banerjee, Caroline Finlayson, Richard C. G. Pollok, Department of Gastroenterology & Radiology, St George’s Hospital NHS Trust, London [Published in Dig Dis Sci. 2016 Oct; 61(10):3031-6]
  • Faecal calprotectin for differentiating between irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease: a useful screen in daily gastroenterology practice
    (PMID: 28839790)
    Ashwini Banerjee, M Srinivas, Richard Eyre, Robert Ellis, Norman Waugh, K D Bardhan, P Basumani Department of Gastroenterology, Rotherham General Hospital [Published in Frontline Gastroenterology – Frontline Gastroenterol doi:10.1136/flgastro-2013-100429]
  • Determining the proximal extent of Ulcerative Colitis - Leucocyte Scintigraphy correlates well with histological assessment.
    (PMID: 17269999)
    Subramanian V, Banerjee A, Beharry N, Farthing M, Pollok R Department of Gastroenterology & Radiology, St George’s Hospital NHS Trust, London [Published in ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS JOURNAL. Page number 441-446, Volume 25, Number 4, 15th February 2007]


  • Combined histo-cytological analysis of EUS-FNA samples from solid lesions using standard FNA needles give better diagnostic yield and accuracy
    Banerjee A, Cairns A, Sanni L, Paranandi B, Huggett MT [Presented in PSGBI meeting 2016, Manchester]
  • Prospective study of the diagnostic yield from histological vs cytological preparation of specimens acquired using standard FNA needles
    Venkat Mahesh, Ashwini Banerjee [Presented as a poster at BSG 2016, Liverpool]
  • Retroperitoneal duodenal perforation (Type 2) after ERCP – A review of 5 years experience in a tertiary teaching hospital
    Ashwini Banerjee, Yeng Shiong Ang [Presented at Qin ERCP EUS – ESGE symposium, Budapest 2015]
  • Extending Glasgow Blatchford score in Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage – low risk or missed pathologies
    Ashwini Banerjee, Kelly Chatten, Yeng Shiong Ang [Presented at AGM conference, London 2015]
  • Patients with endoscopically visible polypoid adenomatous lesions within the extent of ulcerative colitis have an increased risk of colorectal carcinoma despite endomucosal resection
    V. Subramanian, F. Echterdiek, A. Banerjee, S. Chatu, C. Finlayson, R. Pollok [Presented as a poster in UEGW 2012]
  • Faecal Calprotectin – A reliable tool to pick up needles from haystack
    Ashwini Banerjee, Pandurangan Basumani, K D Bardhan, Rotherham General Hospital [Presented as a poster in UEGW 2012] Presented in BARDHAN FELLOWSHIP DAY – April 27th, 2012
  • Adenomatous Polyps are rare in patients with Ulcerative Colitis but increase the risk of Colorectal Cancer.
    Subramanian V, Banerjee A, Pollok R, Department of Gastroenterology, St George’s Hospital NHS Trust, London Presented as a poster for BSG Annual meeting 26-29 March 2007, Glasgow. [Abstract in GUT April 2007; Volume 56 Supplement 2, 161 Page A53]
  • Are non-inflammatory (adenomatous or metaplastic) polyps rare in Ulcerative Colitis?
    Subramanian V, Banerjee A, Pollok R, Department of Gastroenterology, St George’s Hospital NHS Trust, London. Abstract in SUPPLEMENT TO GASTROENTEROLGY, April 2006 Volume 150. Number 4. Suppl 2, Page-A-648

Gastroenterology Experience

July 2020 - November 2022

Consultant Gastroenterologist at American Hospital Dubai, UAE

Job description

  • Consultant Gastroenterologist providing Luminal gastroenterology, hepatology and advanced endoscopy including ERCP EUS FNA/FNB service
  • Enteral stents – Oesophageal/Duodenal and Colonic
  • Inreach for gastroenterology patients in wards and ICU
  • 1:4 oncall for Gastroenterology and GI Bleed
  • Participation in Tumour Board meeting
  • Performing UGI therapeutics and bleed on-calls.

Sep 2017 – Mar 2020

Consultant Gastroenterologist at Regional HPB Centre, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust Blackburn.

Job description

  • Consultant Gastroenterologist providing regional ERCP EUS service
  • Education and Training Lead for Gastroenterology
  • 3 gastroenterology clinics and 3-5 Endoscopy lists
  • 1:9 oncall for Gastroenterology and GI Bleed
  • 1:5 oncall for Regional ERCP service
  • Participation in tertiary Pancreatobiliary MDT
  • Performing UGI therapeutics and bleed on-calls and train junior registrars

Sep 2016 – Sep 2017

Senior Pancreatobiliary fellow (Post CCT) at St James University Hospital, Leeds.

Job description

  • Dedicated Post CCT advanced fellowship in Advanced ERCP including spyglass, radial/linear EUS and Pancreatobiliary medicine
  • 2 general gastroenterology clinics and 1 tertiary Pancreatobiliary clinic
  • Participation in tertiary Pancreatobiliary MDT
  • Performing UGI therapeutics and bleed on-calls and train junior registrars
  • Presentation in local and national conference and won prize for best presentation at PSGBI conference

Sep 2015 – Sep 2016

Specialty Registrar (ST7) at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, Blackpool

Job description

  • ERCP and EUS training
  • Regular independent service lists in OGD, colonoscopy and therapeutics
  • 2-3 general gastroenterology clinics
  • UGI and IBD MDTs
  • Teaching medical students and junior doctors
  • International abstract presentation at BSG conference 2016 and Northwest Annual Gastroenterology conference
  • Medical and gastroenterology on-calls

Sep 2014 – Sep 2015

Specialty Registrar (ST6) at Salford Royal Foundation Trust, Manchester

Job description

  • ERCP and EUS training
  • General endoscopy and therapeutics lists including OGD, colonoscopy, polypectomy.
  • Attend UGI, IBD and HPB MDTs
  • 2-3 general gastroenterology and hepatology clinics
  • Abstract presentation at ESGE ERCP/EUS symposium at Budapest and EUS FNA hands on course
  • Medical on-calls

Aug 2013 – Sep 2014

Specialty Registrar (ST5) at East Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Blackburn

Job description

  • Achieved JAG certification in gastroscopy and colonoscopy and started training in ERCP.
  • 2-3 general gastroenterology and hepatology clinics
  • Attend HPB and IBD MDTs
  • General Medical on-calls

Feb 2013 – Aug 2013

Specialty Registrar (ST4) at Central Manchester Foundation Trust, Manchester

Job description

  • Training in general gastroenterology and endoscopy
  • Medical oncalls
  • Presentation in conferences

Mar 2011 – Feb 2013

Specialty Registrar (ST3 - ST4) at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Sheffield

  • Training in general gastroenterology and endoscopy
  • Medical oncalls
  • Presentation in conferences
  • Initiated and completed in study on faecal calprotectin With Prof K D Bardhan and presented findings at UEGW, Amsterdam

Core Medical Training & Foundation Training

Aug 2008 – Aug 2010

Core Medical Trainee (CT1 – CT2) at Wirral Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Warrington Hospital.

Aug 2006 – Dec 2007

Foundation programme at Nottingham University Hospitals Foundation Trust, Nottingham

Dr. Ashwini Kumar Banerjee
  • Emirates Hospital Day Surgery & Medical Center
    Motor City, Dubai

  • Emirates Specialty Hospital
    Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai

  • British Society of Gastroenterology
  • Royal College of Physicians
  • American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy ASGE
  • American College of Gastroenterology
  • Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland