What is PEG Tube Insertion?
The procedure of inserting a feeding tube into the stomach through the abdominal wall to allow the flow of nutrients, fluids, and medications directly into the stomach while avoiding the mouth and the oesophagus is known as Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) tube insertion.
Indications for PEG Tube Insertion
PEG may be the preferred method of feeding and nutritional support for patients having problems in the gastrointestinal system such as:
For Adults
- Neurologically unsafe swallowing
- Acute ischaemic or hemorrhagic stroke
- Chronic progressive neuromuscular disease
- Cystic fibrosis
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Oro-pharyngeal and oesophagal malignancy
- Malignant bowel obstruction
- Head injury
- Crohn's disease
- Fistulae
For Children
- Neurological disorders that cause an inability to swallow
- Craniofacial abnormalities
- Oncology problems that cause malnutrition
- Other clinical conditions that lead to wasting and malnutrition
Procedure of PEG Tube Insertion
- The patient will generally receive an intravenous sedative and local anaesthesia, and an antibiotic will be given through the vein before the procedure.
- The doctor will guide a flexible tube through a small opening in the skin of the abdomen directly into the stomach.
- The patient will be sent home after the procedure is completed, or the next day.
Post-Operative Care of PEG tube
A postoperative dressing will be placed over the PEG tube site insertion. This dressing will be removed within a day or two after the procedure.
PEG Tube Management after insertion
The PEG tube site should be cleaned once a day with diluted soap and water. Between cleanings, the site should be kept dry. Usually, no special dressing or covering is needed.
Advantages of PEG feeding
PEG feeding provides access for supplementing nutrients in patients with an operational gastrointestinal system. Benefits include:
- It is well tolerated as compared to a nasogastric tube
- Nutritional status of the patient is improved
- Easy to use
- Low incidence of complications
- Reduces the risk of complications in people with swallowing disorders
- Cost-effective
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